Beginning my journey as a healer has been an interesting one. I actually sought out healing through the mindset of being in self-development. I did not see my healing and growth as something emotional, although it was something that I loved partaking in. I had realized that it was my responsibility and so there wasn’t any fanaticism to my healing journey. Looking around the “healing” landscape, I was not too much of the school of thought that healing was an emotional thing. I kept my distance from the spiritual community as I would see people get very emotional about their healing. I observed that people were so caught up in the identity of healing rather than the actual process. So, me becoming a healer was more of an accident as it wasn’t an emotional decision for me, and I wasn’t looking for it, but there came an opportunity, and I took it.
The Beginning of My Healing Journey
I had first begun with a deep interest in psychology and that interest led me to the teachings of Carl Jung and the discovery of the subconscious and its interesting way of operating.
At first, my overall goal in psychology was to learn about myself and find my purpose. I dove into astrology, the gene keys, and numerology and I was surprised by how these systems existed to point me towards the understanding of my personality and the story that I was living. By looking at these systems I discovered my gifts and skills and gained a sort of confidence about who I was and what I could do. During this time, I was in college studying to become a biomedical engineer.
A few things that stuck out to me while reading my astrology and numerology was that I was very interested in the occult and communications. My moon was in the 8th house with a stellium in the 3rd house. I had a direct opposition between my Mercury and Uranus which pointed towards a a mind that wanted to revolutionize the way we think. With these insights I quickly understood that my personality and purpose lie in awakening people to the truth that is hidden.
So, I dove even deeper into psychology into Carl Jung’s studies and my priority became individuation. By individuation I mean the process of stabilizing my personality and then using it to my own advantage. I wanted to leverage my personality to express my soul to a higher level. So I had to understand how my Self worked, and a few things I used where the blueprints of the psyche:
Shadow work, Masculine and Feminine archetypes, and the 4 Archetypes were the main blueprints I used for gaining mastery over my personality.
Using shadow work, I was able to transmute a lot of the things that were holding me back from my potential. David Deida’s teachings of the Masculine and the Feminine taught me how to tune into my masculinity. While Robert Moore’s 4 archetypes taught me the higher expression of masculinity. I have used these archetypes again and again to help me out in the new stages of my life and they always come in handy. I know that I have only scratched the surface and there is more for me to learn, but they took me very far and have led me to my next stage of life.
New Horizons Lead to New Goals
After achieving individuation, I wanted to help people, I wanted to heal people into individuation. My main focus was creating content on YouTube and then pushing to reach the masses, but something didn’t quite feel right about that. I felt like I needed something else, I lacked an important piece to my puzzle. In some time an opportunity arose for me to learn about Biomagnetic Therapy. I took it and discovered my ability to heal.
I dove into the role of a healer and came out to be pretty good at it. I discovered a lot about the way the subconscious works and how disease was created. And it took my attention away from the Jungian world of psychology and drove it more towards healing chronic illness. I have been a “healer” now for over a year now, but I constantly struggled with the question of what it meant for me to be a healer. Was I now going to dedicate my life to healing chronic illness? Or was there something here that I needed to link back towards psychology.
The population’s current understanding of a “holistic healer” seems to be a little too much full of color for me. It sounds too emotional when people use the world “heal” as there seems to be an inherent quality of overcoming or beating the odds with such a word. But I do not see healing in that way, and I do not want to market myself in the same light either. Although healing for me was an emotional endeavor, it was never done in the sake of overcoming something, it was done in the pursuit of knowledge. For me, healing was a journey of self-understanding.
I believe it is the same with the healing of chronic illness. I had often found myself helping people out and having them heal a disease that they’ve had for years, but I knew that I wanted them to dive deeper into their own understanding of health and psychology. I saw their healing as a door to a new world, a world where they could discover the truth, where they could come into communion with their own soul. For I recognize that the disconnection of our souls is the main cause of our disease.
But I lacked the resources and understanding for how to accomplish this. I myself was still developing my own relationship with the concept of “healing” through this perspective of a holistic healer. After some time, I stumbled upon Barbara Brennan’s book – hands of light and I was able to listen to a more grounded understanding of healing. She did not put so much emphasis into the colors of spirituality, she spoke directly to the truth beneath it all in a very practical way. She described healing as “dissolving the veil between the spiritual and material worlds”. It is the same that I try to do when it comes to psychology, to dissolve the veil of the idea of who we are and to tap into the truth of our souls.
So, I was able to see that what I was doing as a healer was the same thing, I was doing as a teacher of psychology. They are both the same thing, and so when I speak of myself as a healer, I understand that my primary goal is to make sure to point people towards the truth. Healing then is not about removing disease, healing then becomes about self-actualization.
Brennan talks about the purpose of a healer much differently than how it is advertised in the public. She states that healer’s greatest purpose is to guide people to the divine understanding of the greater reality.
The implications of such a definition led me to change my approach to my business in many ways and I believe will enhance my ability to synthesize in many ways. My next steps in this journey as a healer will be to enhance my sensory perception so I can expand my ability to heal. My content creation will also change into me documenting my journey along the way with the stories of my healing experiences serving as knowledge for future understanding of our relationship between the soul and the brain. I hope that my contributions will allow for people to understand the workings of the mind much more deeply and lead to meaningful changes in their lives.