Multi-potentialities: Why You Can’t Focus on One Interest — And Why That’s Okay

The rise of the polymath has begun.

If you’ve ever felt pulled in multiple directions, unable to commit to just one interest, you’re not alone. This isn’t a sign of failure—it’s a reflection of your multi-potentiality.

In a world that once glorified specialization, the tide is turning. More and more people are embracing their diverse interests and talents, discovering that they don’t need to fit into a single box. And that’s not just okay—it’s powerful.

The Rise of the Polymath

Trending on YouTube and across social media are topics about pursuing multiple interests. The era of the one-person, million-dollar company is here. People are realizing it’s possible for a single individual to build a business entirely around themselves.

Figures like Dan Koe are emerging more frequently. They share a similar message: specialization is a thing of the past. Or at least, it’s no longer the main priority.

I understand this. I’ve heard it, I’ve lived it. The struggle—the struggle of pursuing a path only to find it unfulfilling. The experience of being drawn to multiple passions, endlessly exploring, yet never fully settling. Reverberating back and forth between different fields.

What is this phenomenon, and why is it happening?

It’s a Sign of the Soul

You are experiencing the truth of being a multi-dimensional being with boundless potential. This realization is both exhilarating and paralyzing.

So, what do you do?

The main issue is this: we need to peel back the layers and stop focusing on what you do. Instead, focus on something closer to home—who you are.

For a long time, I’ve contemplated: what are the things that survive trying times? What will allow me to stay rooted yet adaptable, ever-moving yet centered? And I’ve come to a realization—it can’t be any external system or predefined way of being.

I have to let go of that false sense of security.

It’s not a career path.

It’s not even a known path.

It’s the path of the soul.

Following the Soul

You must follow your soul. The soul is constantly in tune with the universe, with the flow of life, and with the ability to adapt.

So what does that mean?

It means you must begin to know your soul.

Through my exploration of multiple interests, I’ve realized something: I’ve come to know my essence. I’ve discovered a few core truths about my way of being. The work I put out is independent of these truths—it is an expression of who I am, but it does not define my value.

You are not defined by what you do.

You are defined by who you are.

Stop trying to conform to a specific image of what you’re “supposed” to do.

Permission to Explore

I have multiple YouTube channels. From the outside, it might look like I’m all over the place. But on the inside, I’ve never had this much clarity. Slowly but surely, I’ve allowed myself to explore my interests, and it’s paid dividends.

I’ve found ease in learning multiple skills. I can pick up new skills effortlessly if they align with my essence. My peace of mind is at an all-time high. My confidence in my ability to create is at an all-time high. And my creativity is flourishing like never before.

This is what it feels like to be on the edge of evolution—to pursue the highest expression of yourself.

What Does This Mean for You?

It means the issue isn’t what you’re doing. The issue is how you’re approaching what you’re doing. Are you treating your work as the defining element of your success, or are you seeing it as a natural byproduct of who you are?

I’ve often asked myself: what does it mean to “get paid to exist”?

I believe the answer is simple: it’s about molding your circumstances around who you are at your core.

You define your situation, not the other way around.

This means you will look for every opportunity to be yourself. You will bring the best of yourself to every situation. You will see every circumstance as an opportunity to deepen your connection with your true self.

Whether it’s at a job you dislike—what is it teaching you? Are you truly being yourself, or are you a product of your circumstances?

In relationships—are they the highest expression of love and authenticity?

In your creative work—is this really the truest expression of yourself?

Moving Forward

These are the questions asked by someone in tune with their core.

There is no way around it.

You must move forward without needing to be defined by what you do, because what you do has nothing to do with who you are at your core.

Who you are imposes its will on everything you do.

Below is a video that goes deeper into this topic:

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