
Dive into the blueprints hidden within your psyche. Use these blueprints as guides towards your self-actualization.

What it means to be a Creator
The Art of Creation: Refining Your Mental Models and Choosing the Right Tools What does it really mean to be a creator of your reality? I’ve often thought about this in the context of my higher self....
Meditation Technique: Retracing
In meditation, we’re often told to return to the breath the moment we get distracted. But what if, instead of immediately coming back to the breath, we retraced our steps—back through the thoughts...
How to Learn Like a Polymath: Mastering Soft and Hard Skills
Introduction In our journey of learning and self-improvement, we often encounter a steep learning curve when acquiring new skills. However, there are “universal laws” that can simplify this...
DALL·E 2024-06-05 16.05.22 - A man experiencing the transformative benefits of autophagy, radiating health and vitality
Unveiling the Power of Fasting: Personal Realizations and Transformations
Few Practices Compare: Psychedelics, Meditation, Shadow-Work, and Now – Fasting In the spiritual community, there are a few practices that I consider truly life-changing: psychedelics, meditation, and...